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Birth Mark Removal

Birthmarks serve as markers of our individualities. Birthmarks, by virtue of their locations, size or color, can make an individual self conscious. At the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, the appearance of birthmarks can be improved in order to reduce the impact they have on your daily life. Schedule a birthmark removal consultation with our cosmetic dermatologists today. By definition, birthmarks are present on the skin at birth and generally are categorized as being vascular (containing blood vessels, generally red or pink) or pigmented (containing melanin, generally brown/tan).

Hemangiomas (or “strawberries”) and port-wine stains are the most common red birthmarks. Both are caused by abnormal development of blood vessels. How and why they occur is still not completely understood. They are not linked to exposure to chemicals or toxins, nor are they related to trauma in the womb or birth accidents. Most vascular birthmarks occur independently. Rarely other developmental malformations can be seen in association with them.