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In simple words, pigmentation means colouring. When it comes to our skin, the colour of our skin is determined by a pigment called melanin. The production of melanin is undertaken by specialized cells in our skin. Any negative impact or damage caused to these cells affect the melanin production in our body and hence causes skin pigmentation. Skin pigmentation can not only occur in patches on different parts of your body but can also affect the entire body.

Are you suffering from erratically toned, discolored facial skin? Do you stare in the mirror and see brown, uneven spots on your cheeks, lips, and forehead? Is pigmentation covering the natural beauty of your face? Are you frazzled and anxious at night and losing sleep since you think that your complexion is affected by the dark, pigmentation spots? If yes, then, now it is time to naturally balance out your skin tone and take control of your skin.