Hair loss can be significant in both male and female. It’s commonly known as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. The pattern baldness occurs due to androgenic alopecia. It’s a common form of genetic disorder, affecting hairs in both men and women. However, the impact on both men and women are different; and thus Advance Clinic believes hair loss treatments should be customized solutions.
Losing hair is undoubtedly heart wrenching. Many doctors may have claimed to bring back your hair through various unheard means but all in vain. Here at Derma World, we do not claim, we create hair-full heads. From Medication, PRP, Mesotherapy to Hair Transplant, we do it all for various needs of patients. We have proven as the best dermatologist for all the hair and skin problems of both men and women. We understand men and women are different; their body, their biological process, hormonal fusion, and glandular function are exactly opposite. Therefore, we at “Advance Clinic” treats female pattern baldness with unique approach scientifically designed to regrow the lost hairs in women.