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Bleaching (Whitening ) And Polishing

Both procedures, tooth whitening and tooth polishing, are carried out by dentists in order to maintain your appearance, oral health and hygiene. The sole purpose of tooth whitening is to improve the appearance of teeth by enhancing their color. Most dentists and treatments promise a change of about eight shades of color compared to their current appearance. The whitening treatments also have the potential of treating deep stains that either acquired or genetically inherited. The whitening treatments bleach the enamel of teeth to give them a whiter shade. Although teeth’s whitening is not part of regular dental checkups, it can help prevent development of dental diseases.

Compared to tooth whitening, polishing de-scales and polishes teeth, and is done as part of the regular trips to the dentist. The common technique of teeth polishing uses tiny and concentrated blasts of air to clean the dental plaque and tartar that builds on teeth. It is an effective technique that achieves deep-cleaning of teeth. The procedure has beneficial effects on the color of teeth as it removes topical stains.