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Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive cosmetic procedure. The specialist sprays or rubs fine crystals onto the skin with a wand that gently exfoliates the surface, removing the top layer. The aim is to make the skin appear younger. The procedure should not be painful. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) estimate that it takes 30–40 minutes for the face and 20 minutes for the neck. Afterward, there may be slight swelling or sunburn-like symptoms for a few days.

Before seeing reduced signs of aging, a person may require between 5 and 16 treatments from a skin care specialist. People can have treatments weekly, every 2 weeks, or monthly, depending on their skin type and the reason for treatment. Most people request microdermabrasion to rejuvenate the complexion of the face and neck, but a specialist can perform the procedure on any area of skin.