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One of the common problems that affect the quality of life in elderly age is complete or partial loss of teeth. It literally makes them disables as they can’t eat or chew the food they love and this ultimately affects their overall health. Denture is nothing but removable appliance with natural looking artificial teeth attached to a plastic/acrylic base which is placed onto your gums. Patients who do not have any single teeth present can go for removable dentures and the only fixed option is implants. After all of your fall, the facial appearance starts to change. Lower lip starts to draw in and can be prevented by placing full set dentures. Dentures can also be placed as a temporary option until one gets the implants placed.

Dentures are set of artificial teeth used to replace all or few missing teeth that can successfully aid in chewing food, improve speech and aesthetic appeal. It also helps in keeping the facial area and mouth in correct alignment. They are available as complete dentures in case of all teeth missing and partial dentures in case few of them are absent.