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Carbon Peeling

Living in a fast pacing world has exposed us to numerous skin problems like acne, dullness of skin and loss of skin texture. Having a rejuvenated and refreshed skin is still a dream for many. Modern science has come to the rescue here with one of the best treatments to cure all these skin problems. The treatment comes by the name of Carbon peeling. It is sort of a carbon facial which is done using lasers and is completely pain free.

A layer of liquid activated carbon is applied to the face and is left for a while in order to let it penetrate deep into the pores. The carbon absorbs all the contaminants in these pores. Later on, a qs NDyag laser light which is highly attracted to the carbon particles is passed over this layer. The laser destroys all the carbon particles on the surface of the skin and those seated deep within the pores thereby taking with it the contaminants attached to the carbon particles, giving you a cleansed and rejuvenated skin.