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Wart & Mole Removal

As you get older, you may start noticing different types of skin growths on your body. Whether in the form of warts, skin tags or moles, while most tend to be benign, it is still always a good idea to have these checked out by a board certified medical dermatologist. The best dermatologists will thoroughly examine any such skin growths and then explain your options, ensure that it isn’t something more serious than a superficial growth, and make you as comfortable as possible during any type of skin tag or mole removal.

Skin growths are a fairly common concern that our patients have. It’s always advisable to get advice from a medical dermatologist rather than just attempting to remove any such growth on your own. In fact, this DIY approach can be dangerous and may lead to infections down the road. Our processes are performed in the office and are only done by highly trained dermatology experts. Below are some common methods of dealing with moles, warts and skin tags.