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Ultrasonic Scaling

Research has shown that ultrasonic scaling instruments are at least as effective as manual scalers at removing tartar from tooth surfaces, including from within gum pockets that are shallow. However, where ultrasonic instruments really shine is in the clearing of deposits from deeper pockets. The tips of these tools are small, allowing them to easily reach areas where manual tools have more trouble. Furthermore, the coolant sprayed by ultrasonic scalers actually adds to the dislodging of accumulated plaque and tartar. At the same time, ultrasonic scaling tools also introduce oxygen bubbles into these deeper pockets which disrupt the oxygen hating bacteria which thrive deep within.

While the earliest stage is easily reversed with at home care, this stage is often missed. With the symptoms ignored, gum disease only gets worse. To stop the disease, and allow your gums to heal, professional treatment is required. At Water’s Edge Dental, we can treat your gum disease with scaling and root planing. For your scaling treatment, we employ the use of an ultrasonic scaler.