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Veneers And Laminates

There are numerous differences between dental veneers and dental laminates. While each of these oral health solutions helps to straighten crooked teeth, they are not one in the same. Below, we take a look at how the two are different from one another in order to help patients select the one that is optimal for their unique oral health. If the patient has crooked teeth with a large space between the teeth, then he or she needs to give dental veneers a try. Dental veneers are a flexible oral health solution that is highly effective and can blend in with surrounding teeth. The only factor that some people might consider negative about dental veneers is that we may need to shave a small portion of the tooth.

Removing a small portion of the tooth is necessary to attach the veneers. If we do not remove a portion of the tooth, then the veneers will jut outward further than the other teeth in an obvious manner. If such removal does not occur, the teeth and veneers will not adequately stick to one another.